Objectives of the Trust
- To promote, establish, incorporate, support, maintain, sponsor, impart education and run organization, franchise institutions, establishments for imparting and providing of general, professional, vocational, technical and other form of education and their applications for the benefit of the public at large.
- To carry out research and offer consultancy in the respective fields of education for the development of human resources through diffusion of useful knowledge and to grant aid and other assistance in cash or in kind to students, scholars, research workers and persons showing exemplary merits in different walks of life by way of free studentships, stipends, rewards, prizes and allowances, etc.
- To establish Schools, Colleges, Universities, Institutions, Distance Education Centres, Hospitals, Hostels, film Institutions, YV Channels and other Organisations for the fulfillment of the objects of the Trust.
- To takeover, acquisition and control other organization/institutions for fulfilling the objects of the Trust.
- To develop, produce, improve software services, multimedia services, web services and other services for imparting knowledge or for furtherance of the objects.
- To publish books, CD ROMs, Web Based Materials and other materials in different media for the purpose of the Trust.
- To conduct formal/informal education/training in classroom, through correspondence/Internet or in any other mode.
- To conduct/organize/promote seminar, symposia etc. and other form of academic and professional discourses.
- To establish, maintain, support hostel for boarding and or lodging and transport for the students of the institutions run/conducted by the Trust or by any other Trust. Organization, Society, Association or Institutions with similar objects.
- To grant certificates, diplomas and/or degrees in the aforesaid and other allied fields.
- To carry out and provide social and humanitarian services to individuals and public in general irrespective of nationality, religion, caste and creed.
- To give financial assistance to local authorities, municipalities and such other bodies engaged in public benefit and utility services.
- To render assistance and/or grant aid to recognized public charitable trusts or institutions.
- To collaborate with Universities/Institutions/Organizations in India and aboard for the purpose and objects of the Trust.
- To undertake advisory, supervisory, collaborative and consultancy work of any type for any Person(s), trusts, Institutions, Organizations, Societies, Bodies, Company, Firm and Government.
- To acquire, develop, take on rent, lease, sell land, building and other infrastructure for the above objects.
- To apply for and obtain registration/recognition and approval from the statutory and other authority or council or board or beneficial for running the institutions.
- To grant aid and other financial assistance to Schools, Colleges, Libraries, Computer Centres, and other institutions of like nature at any place or places in India for the use of Students and the Staff and also generally for the development, advancement of education (academic, computer, technical, vocational, cultural, etc.) and diffusion of knowledge amongst the public in general.
- To charge tuition and other fees from the students and otherwise recoup themselves for all costs, charges and expenses incurred or to be incurred in the upkeep, maintenance and development of institution established or to be established:
- To establish, run centres for training, research and other activities in the various fields of education;
- To confer degrees and certificates to the students;
- To open, establish, assist and maintain contribute and to grant aid and/or financial assistance to schools, colleges, hostels and boarding houses for furtherance of advanced and computer education;
- To pay stipend, scholarship, prizes, books, interest free loan and other aids for research to the deserving and needy students;
- To establish scholarships, teaching and research chairs in Indian Universities and to contribute towards installation of capital equipment in educational and research Institutes;
- To bring about publications that will help promote public awareness, charity and social service.
- To delegate any of their powers to a Committee or committees or sub-committee or sub-committees consisting of such person or persons as they may from time to time think fit For any of the purposes of the Trust and may frame rules relating thereto and may from time to time add to and vary the same as they shall think fit. The Settlor as Managing, Trustee, if a member of the Committee, will be the Chairman of such Committee or Committees. After the Settlor, the next Managing Trustees to be nominated k the first Managing Trustee, if a member of the Committee, shall be the Chairman of such Committee or Committees;
- To do any other act for the advancements of general public utility, not involving the carrying on of any activity for profit without distinction of caste, colour or creed.