Our Inspiration: Sabita Devi
The source of strength and stimulus behind all our endeavours is Sabita Devi, who faced the unfortunate and tragic reality of widowhood at the tender age of 28. Yet, overcoming all societal and mental hurdles, she started working as a single mother when such concepts were practically unheard of. She bequeathed her unflinching spirit of mind and body as legacy to her only son, Phalguni Mookhopadhayay, the Managing Trustee of Sabita Devi Education Trust, a non-profit charitable Trust founded in her memory. The aim of the Trust is to bring quality education within the reach of ambitious students from all strata of society and promote higher and professional education in India and overseas.
Brainware's dream venture, Brainware University, is a homage to Sabita Devi's fortitude and determination.